Friday, February 9, 2007

Leg assembly and completed lower torso: Hyaku Shiki

I finished the body assembly on my Master Grade Hyaku Shiki yesterday, here's a little peek at it:

I know that it is yellow, not gold. I wanted to build this without painting it to create a how-to for those kit builders who don't or maybe can't deal with the painting side of the hobby.

I imagine I will paint this by and by, but for now I like the way it looks "in the raw."

One difference between hardcore Gundam builders and hardcore FSS builders is that the former get into shading with the beloved "Max Technique" and weathering and bashing and dioramas, while the latter dwell obsessively on stuff like resculpted shoulder insignia bas-relief paintings and other "cosmetically beautifying" efforts. Gundams are all about the narrative while Mortar Headds are about sculptural beauty.

Guess which side of the coin I fall on...

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